We participated at the first ever Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule Game Jam on Dezember 19, 2023. That is our contribution. 

Hello, we are Jan and Ralf from ByteHarmonyGames and we are proudly present our first prototype "Haunted Runner". Have fun!


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(1 edit)

08/03/24 - Development Update I:
For the last couple of months, I´m trying to improve the overall gameplay, mechanics and feel of the game. Beside of that, I moved the game "inside" of the Haunted House. It eleminated the error the step beyond the bushes and fall into the void. Furthermore, the player is clamped into three lanes and the obstacles as well. That ereased the glitch to go in-between.
Now, with the new foundation set in place I`m looking forward to finish the game in the next couple of month.

The next Game Jam @ Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule is right around the corner.

Stay tuned.


Found an expoit where I somehow aligned myself between lanes, so I can run uninterrupted. Since enemies are limited to the 3 lanes, the in-betweens and even the side bushes are extremely safe. Also, I could sidestep beyond the bushes and fall into the void and game over'ed. Maybe add some wall collisions at the side?

Other than that, I cant really comment on the other stuff since my laptop runs the game really slowly even on low graphics. Goodluck making more games